
5% - 227.8 (-11.99)
10% - 215.8 (-23.98)
15% - 203.8 (-35.97)
20% - 191.8 (-47.96)
25% - 179.8 (-59.95)
30% - 167.8 (-71.94)

final goal weight:
160 - 180 lbs
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012


The hubs left bright and early on Sunday morning so we're back to our schedule.  I didn't get to Z.umba once when we was home and only got in one jog.  I hate that but we enjoyed having him home so I guess it all balances out, right?!  I'm incredibly behind on blogging so I'll sum up the past 10+ days.

Somewhere in here I bought the Game On! Diet book even though that I've been told you don't need to read it.  I figure it will hopefully give me some pointers and a good laugh (from reading reviews).  Now I just need to start studying up!

Friday - April  13
Stepped on the scale but showed a gain so I quickly got off.  Don't even remember what the number was.  :/

Saturday - April 14
I spent the morning cleaning and getting ready for Ryan's party.  Jim took the boys with him to the store so I took a break and got outside in the beautiful sunshine!  I did a 2.23 mile jog and burned 405 calories in those 32 minutes.

Monday - Wednesday
 We took our new trailer on it's maiden voyage.  There was very little activity (I didn't even wear my bodybugg) and too much beer.  But it was nice to get outside even though it rained some.

Thursday - April 19
I got a new phone, the iPhone 4.  I love it!  I immediately downloaded the MapMyRun app (and still can't get it to track where I'm at) and the Myfitnesspal app.  I haven't used it to it's full potential yet but plan to.  I love how you can scan the bar code on foods and it inputs the info for you, huge time saver!

Friday - April 20
Completely forgot to weigh in.  Picked up my Zay.con chicken!

Sunday - April 22
My BIL kindly took Jim to the airport at 4:30am so I didn't have to get the boys up that early.  We woke up early and headed downtown for Race for the Cure.  I was going to use the MapMyRun app but completely forgot until well after the race because I'm not used to having it.  We did the 3.1 mile race pushing both boys in the stroller.  After the race we walked around the Women's Show before going to have lunch.  According to my BB I burned 3372 calories for the day and had over 14,000 steps!  After we got home from the race I mowed the front lawn and then later cut up all 40 lbs of the chicken I picked up on Friday.
The reason we walk - my MIL is a breast cancer survivor

Cutting up the chicken

Half of the chicken
Monday - April 23
Dropped Zack off at school, ran to the post office and made a last minute decision to go out for a jog before picking Z up.  It was beautiful out and almost 70* already!!  I got off to a late start and just over half way into the jog I looked at my phone and I had one hour to get home, shower and pick up Zack.  eek!!!!  I only did 1.86 miles and felt very sluggish!  Part if it could've been me trying to figure out my dang MapMyRun app on my phone while jogging.  IDK.  I also downloaded the C25K app and might try to do that again to get me back where I was.  I've lost my momentum along the way.

So here we are today.  I am in a bad mood!  Ryan was a complete pill today while having lunch at BK with friends.  My 15 year old cousin has Osteosarcoma and is in a 8 hour surgery to remove the tumor in his knee, have the knee replaced and put a steel rod in his femur.  My house is a mess and I'm tired!  And no Z.umba tonight because Zack is going to try out a karate class (which he's totally pumped for so that's pretty cute).  I think a workout would help my mood but it's not going to happen.  Tomorrow is a BUSY freaking day too!  Gah!!!

1 comment:

  1. My fitness pal is AWESOME! Hope your day today turns out a bit better than yesterday!
