I ordered some chicken from Zaycon.Foods. It’s 40 lbs of chicken breasts. We don’t have a deep freeze so my mom and I are going to share it. I pick it up tomorrow and am kind of excited to try it. I’ve heard it’s great chicken! I’m not looking forward to cutting it and packaging it but I hear it’s worth it. My SIL is giving me their mom’s Food Saver and I bought the bags at Costco this morning. Kinda excited to try that out…I’m weird, I know.
While I was at Costco I also saw they had a food scale for pretty cheap. The past few days have been kind of hard figuring out the calories for lunch meat and other things because it’s measured in ounces or grams. So now I don’t have to guess!!! I also realized that I was only eating 9 almonds because I thought that was the serving size. Nope, I was wrong. 1 oz was the serving size and there were 9 servings in the container. Oops!! So now with my handy dandy scale I know exactly how many almonds I can have. So exciting!!!!
The boys and I went to lunch at a local pizza place with my MIL, SIL and her two boys. I was darn proud of myself. I only had one slice of pizza and one cheese breadstick. The pizza place is only on the west coast and doesn’t have their nutritional info online so I looked at other pizza online and used that as a guide.
I have registered for a 5k on Saturday and want to be able to jog most of it, if not all of it…we’ll see. We’re supposed to get a snow storm starting tomorrow so it’ll be another 5k in the snow. Fun!
I got on the treadmill during naptime today. My muscles were still kind of sore from Saturday’s Ripping session (if you can call it that). I want to get back in the habit of running M, W, F plus Zumba on T and Thu. I did 2 miles of wogging (walking and jogging) on the treadmill. I started out good, jogging the first 10 min but then gave in and power walked. The last 1/4 mile was done walking backwards (at a slower pace). Have you all tried that? It’s difficult and a great workout! I think I might try to do it for longer next time. My calories burned are off on my treadmill…see? I did a total of 38:18 min and feel great!
Happy Monday everyone!