
5% - 227.8 (-11.99)
10% - 215.8 (-23.98)
15% - 203.8 (-35.97)
20% - 191.8 (-47.96)
25% - 179.8 (-59.95)
30% - 167.8 (-71.94)

final goal weight:
160 - 180 lbs
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Monday, June 24, 2013

WW Week 3

I am always nervous on weigh in days.  I try to keep it real though.  I remember when I was a member years ago I'd only eat popcorn on weigh in days, not anymore.  I don't want to trick my body, I want to be completely honest.  So today I had my breakfast, a mid morning snack and a smart one for lunch.  I drank plenty of water and peed like crazy!  

I was nervous to weigh in like every other Monday this month because weekends are hard for me!  Friday night the hubs and I went to dinner and then I had way too many drinks.  Saturday I was hung over and dehydrated and then went to a BBQ at Jim's aunts house.  Then Sunday we had another BBQ at a friend's house for a birthday party.  I tried very hard to watch my portion sizes so that I could try the stuff that I wanted (aka the pasta salads).  I did a good job of staying away from sweets except for yesterdays BBQ.  

Apparently I didn't do too bad since I had a 2.6 lb loss, such a sigh of relief!  So this means I am 3.2 lbs away from my first goal of 5%.  I don't think I'll be able to get it next week since but hopefully the following weigh in.  

Starting Weight: 239.8
Last Week: 233.6
This Week: 231
Weekly Loss: -2.6
Total Loss: –8.8

Today was a rest day in the squat challenge and I was thankful, my legs were sore.  I got a bad charlie horse on Friday night in my left calf and it still hurts.  Tomorrow is the start of the 3 sets of 15 squats but with FIFTEEN pound weights.  Should be interesting!!

We had our second weigh in with the FB Biggest Loser Challenge and I am still in the lead!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Team Gleason Virtual 5k

Yesterday's weather was not cooperative so I opted to do the Team Gleason Virtual 5k this morning.  It was beautiful!  We've had several days of rain lately and I was ever so thankful for some sunshine!!!

Jim kept the boys entertained while I went for my walk/jog.  It was so nice going by myself and I had a nice pace too.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Chasing bikes

Tonight the boys and I went for a walk.  They rode their bikes and I basically chased them for the first half.  They lost their momentum half way through and it was a much slower pace!  It felt good to get out and walk, it's my goal to do it more this week.  I actually jogged quite a bit and I've noticed it's a little easier with just these last 6 lbs gone.

Monday, June 17, 2013

WW Week 2

Today was my 2nd weigh in with WW.  I was a little nervous because of our camping trip this weekend.  I didn't track my food but tried to be very careful with what I ate.  I limited my alcohol somewhat and was sure to drink lots of water, about a gallon a day!  The other obstacle was the start of shark week on Sunday.  Grr!  I put my big girl panties on and went anyway and much to my surprise, I lost!!

Starting Weight: 239.8
Last Week: 235
This Week: 233.6
Weekly Loss: -1.4
Total Loss: –6.2

I am also in the lead for the most percentage of weight loss for the first week of our 10 day biggest loser challenge.  Woot!  We'll see how this week goes since I didn't lose as much.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

WW foods

I'm trying to mix things up with my foods so that I don't get burnt out.  I found this greek cream cheese at Wal.mart and it is DELICIOUS!  So for lunch I've made a wrap that is 4 pts+ and not only yummy but filling.

I still eat Smart.Ones for dinner as a quick and easy meal.  I was confused the other night when I scanned the barcode of this meal and it came up with 8 Pts+ but on the box it says 7 Pts+?!  I didn't get it!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Squat challenge revised

Several people in the FB squat group are doing this new revised version. I wasn't going to do it because I really wanted to see if I could get to 250 squats.  However, I've noticed as the amount increases the sloppier I get towards the end of doing mine.  So to risk getting hurt by not having proper form I decided to change to this version.  Today I added the 5lbs weights and liked it! 

WW Week one

I had my first weigh in with weight watchers today.  I was nervous about it because of all of the eating out this weekend.  I made good choices but I was still nervous because I want to be successful.  I weighed myself this morning and saw that I was down and hoped that it reflected this evening.  (My scale at home says 231, I like that number better.)  It sure did!  I was so relieved!

I only went over my daily points allowance twice this week which is pretty darn good!  I would love if I could keep these numbers up!!!

At the beginning of each meeting the leader celebrates weight loss victories.  One lady lost 11 lbs this week, granted she probably weighs more than me but how awesome would that feel?!  Then she moved on to more members, one lady had reached 30 lbs lost and a guy with his almost 60 lb weight loss.  I was starting to get teary eyed as we were cheering for these people.  I hope to God one day that will be me!!!  When I joined WW last time I lost almost 40 lbs and hope to do that again.

I haven't gone over long term goals with my leader yet, can't remember when you do that.  My first goal is 5% which would be 12 lbs.  My second goal is 10% which would be 24 lbs.  My healthy weight goal according to WW is 113-141 lbs.  113 lbs is WAY too skinny (and unattainable) for me.  140 lbs would be fantastic but I still think that's too small.  Maybe because I can't remember the last time I was there?!  I'd honestly be happy with 160lbs!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Weekend wrap up

This weekend has been great!  Jim took the boys to his parents house so that I could have a weekend by myself, well with my mom.  Friday I had a facial and a massage then went to dinner at HuHot with my parents.  I had no idea how many points to count for that (this is the part I hate most about WW) so I just guessed.  My mom was great and held me accountable for getting in my squats!

Saturday morning we slept in and then went to Zumba even though it was our rest day.  It was 30 min of Zumba and then 30 min of Zumba toning.  It kicked out butts!  I was a hot sweaty mess!!!  I'm pretty sure we did more than 85 squats so we decided tomorrow will be our rest day.

We went back to my parents for a much needed shower then headed to A.pplebee's for lunch.  I was proud of myself, I checked the WW app before to see what my best option was.  I went with the bourbon chicken and shrimp but instead of the potatoes I had them do steamed veggies.

We then hit a neighborhood yard sale and then the mall for some shopping.  My fitbit battery was low and I had left it at home during zumba so I decided to not wear it for the day.  I'm sure we walked quite a bit!  We had a change of plans for dinner and ended up at A.zteca for a beer and a taco salad.  I was proud of myself and only had one bite of the shell!!!

I felt a headache coming on at dinner and by the time we got home it was a full on migraine, not the way I wanted to end the day.  

I came home this morning and ended up being under my points for the day.  Weigh in is tomorrow night and I'm nervous.  I've done really good this week but I'm going to be super bummed if I don't have a loss!!  Wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

WW Day 2

Today went ok too but I went over my points.  I had a lazy morning and did good with breakfast and a snack.

I then had a hair appointment at lunch time.  I got the boys McD's so that they could eat and be preoccupied while I was getting my hair cut.  I looked up my options on the WW app before ordering.  I wasn't as prepared as I wanted to be though.  I was going to opt for the salad but went for convenience of eating in the car and ordered a chicken mcnugget mini meal instead.  I could've chosen a worse option really.

We then decided to hit a park on the South Hill since we're never up there.  We ended up staying longer than I expected and waited for friends to join us late this afternoon.  She brought me a coffee drink and I chose the non-fat version.

For dinner I had tilapia and asparagus drizzled with olive oil and baked in the oven.  I'm still not sure if I've calculated the points correctly but I've used my mobile app for it all.

I went over my points for the day but I gained back some activity points...

I mowed the front lawn for some extra steps then tried to mow the back with the riding mower and it wouldn't start.  I hooked the battery up to the charger and decided to push mow the entire thing.  We don't have a small back yard people.  Both yards took me 45 minutes and over 2000 steps.  I have never done that in the 10 years that we've lived here.  It felt good to accomplish it!

And I just got done doing my 70 squats!  Boy can I feel the burn!!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Day 1 and another challenge

Today was challenging.  I had breakfast and then strawberries for a snack.  Then I got the phone call that one of my besties was in labor and about to have her baby girl.  I acted fast and got the boys with another friend and headed to the hospital to take pictures for her.  It just happened to be lunchtime too!  I grabbed two bananas as I was running out the door but forgot to eat them on the short drive to the hospital.  I seriously made it JUST in time!

After Olivia was out and things settled down a bit I started getting really hungry.  We all ordered food and I ordered a chef salad.  I have no idea how many points to count it as so I picked one in my app.  I came home and made a lean cuisine before darting out the door again for PTO.  When I got home I had a headache and was hungry again.  I had enough points left over so I had a beer and an ice cream bar.

I was worried I didn't eat all my points but at the end of the day I had 3 remaining.  I know I was lacking on my water though, I think that was the reason for the headache.  So it was a crazy first day but a good one.

My friend that hosted the 6 week challenge that I did 2 years ago is doing another one and this time it is 10 weeks.  There are 9 people that are doing it this time and another change is that if you gain then you have to pay in $1.  I'm hoping with WW, the squat challenge and now this one that it will kick my butt into gear!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Here we go (again)

So, I did it!  Tonight I rejoined Weight.Watchers.

It's all changed since I last went.  I was nervous to go and see the number on the scale.  I normally weigh myself first thing in the morning and so I did like normal this morning.  When I got there and stepped on the scale it was 3 lbs more than it was at home this morning.  To see 239.8 lbs was upsetting!
I love that it has an app, I think that will (hopefully) make tracking easier.  My first weight loss goal is 5% which is 12 lbs.  Based on my recent weight loss attempts that seems nearly impossible but I'm going to try my darndest!

I get 35 Points plus per day and that seems do-able, we shall see.  Here we go!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Squat challenge

A blogger friend read my last post about a squat challenge and invited me to a FB group that is doing it for June.  Perfect timing, thanks Jenny!!!

I started today and felt pretty good with the 50.  I am worried how I'm going to do 200+!  Hopefully it will be no big deal towards the end of the month.  Wish me luck!
Who wants to join us?!