
5% - 227.8 (-11.99)
10% - 215.8 (-23.98)
15% - 203.8 (-35.97)
20% - 191.8 (-47.96)
25% - 179.8 (-59.95)
30% - 167.8 (-71.94)

final goal weight:
160 - 180 lbs
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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Short workout

I havent been able to get to the gym since sunday because of Zacks short school days, PT and a lunch date. I did make it today but Zack had his first parent teacher conference today so I had to cut my workout short.

I ended up trying out the elliptical instead of the treadmill. I did 30 min and varied my resistance and incline. I believe I did 2.5 miles (maybe more) and burned 300 calories.  I tried to take a picture but my phone wouldn't let me so I lost all the info, stupid phone!  I worked up quite the sweat!  I definitely felt more of a workout today which was awesome!

I then went to the arm machine that I did on Sunday.  I did 3 sets of 10 again and this time my arms were all shaky afterwards.  Ryan got to go in the big kid room today and he loved it!


I was trying to capture how red my face was but it didn't work
I've talked with my therapist about my workouts quite a bit lately. She's extremely proud of me for rejoining the gym.  I tend to get overwhelmed if things do go how I hoped or anticipated, for example if I don't get a workout in and then I tend to have lots of negative talk in my head.  She recommended having more and/or small rewards for when I do accomplish what I want/have planned to do.  I remember last year (6/2011) I rewarded myself when I hit my 5% goal with new shoes.  I am going to keep my weight loss goals the same but also going to add fitness goals, ones that are attainable, visual and don't have to cost any money.  Mollie said the goal isn't the big issue, the bigger issue is the REWARD and to be flexible.  So I'm going to start off with this:

Fitness goal: workout 3 times a week
Reward: highlighting my workout days on the calendar where it's visible

I tend to be hard on myself, don't we all?!  So if I don't get in three workouts a week then it's OK!  If I don't lose any weight then, it's OK.  I think that's what my biggest problem was the past 6 months.  I haven't seen changes, I let life get in the way and didn't make ME a priority and pushed workouts to the side because I haven't seen changes and felt like I let myself down.  So here we go on a new adventure.

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