I did it! I went to my first Zumba class at the Y tonight. I had planned on doing it with 2 other friends for a few days now. We had a busy morning and Ryan didn’t take a very long nap. I had tummy issues yesterday but I thought it was due to the coffee I had. Well, today Ryan seemed to have the same thing, tummy issues not coffee. His poor butt was bright red and almost to the point where it was bleeding. I wasn’t sure what the cause was so I emailed my girlfriends and told them I was bailing. I was kind of relieved because as soon as I sat down I was exhausted! I dozed in and out as I tried to get Ryan to take another nap, didn’t happen.
I caught my second wind and started feeling guilty for not going. So I called my dad to see if he could come up north and watch the boys while I went. I didn’t expect him to say yes but thankfully he did. Ryan is a HUGE Papa fan so I felt good leaving him with him. He was so excited to see Papa too! Zack decided that he wanted to come with me and play in the child watch area which was fine.
I met up with my girlfriends and we had a great time. It was much different than the one I’ve been to with my mom. I’m not so sure how I feel about the mirrors in the room. I was not liking the fact that I could see my fat body doing (or not doing) the moves. But it was fun! And I was sweaty afterwards!
So I got a sports bra at wal-mart and I think it is also too big! I got a 2X like my shirts because I thought the XL would be too small. Well, the back of the sports bra goes up to my neck, you can see it in the pic above. I like the bra so I think if I got an XL it might feel better. Grr!
Ryan had a tough time while I was gone. He pooped and my dad didn’t realize it at first until his uncontrollable crying (not him). So when we got home I found this…
Poor baby!
I am so glad that you got up and went. Excuses are so much easier than doing it. The mirror may suck now but eventually, you'll be seeing a smaller you in that mirror doing the dances. It will feel amazing. I promise!