
5% - 227.8 (-11.99)
10% - 215.8 (-23.98)
15% - 203.8 (-35.97)
20% - 191.8 (-47.96)
25% - 179.8 (-59.95)
30% - 167.8 (-71.94)

final goal weight:
160 - 180 lbs
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Wednesday, February 22, 2012


***I posted this this morning on my boys' blog!!!  I didn't even know it until a friend, who maybe weighs 130 lbs posted a comment!  Eeek!!!  I don't publicize this blog to all of my friends or family.  I about died when I saw Jolene commented!!!***

The hubby left for work this morning at 4:30am.  (Thankfully his brother took him to the airport so I didn’t have to wake the boys up.)  That means that I can get back on track.  I slacked off while he was home this time and I can feel it AND regret it!  I didn’t even attempt to do my food journal.  I pretty much just gave up.  I stepped on the scale this morning and saw 225!!!!  Gah!  (I didn’t weigh in on Friday because we were busy and I forgot)
Even MapyMyRun knows it since I woke up to this email this morning.  Eek!
I wanted to do Zum.ba on Valentine’s Day but opted to hang out with the hubs and kiddos instead, eating at a Mexican restaurant.  Then on Thur I had every intention of going but the two bottles of wine the night before got the best of me….all day!  We are in the search for a travel trailer.  We drove all over the area, almost every day looking at 100s of trailers.  This means that I had less activity than normal and at least one meal was eaten out a day.  We had a date night and went to Olive Garden (yum!) but I did get some activity in when we went bowling afterwards.  I haven’t uploaded my stats from my BodyBugg but I know I was lacking calories burned the majority of the time he was home.
Last night I went to Zum.ba and it felt great!  Also, starting this morning, I am back to tracking as well as restarting my Isa.genix shakes for breakfast.  I’ve contemplated doing a cleanse too.  Lately (not just while Jim’s been home) I have not felt up to par.  I have been overly tired and just feel blah.  Our Zum.ba instructor did the Isa.genix 30 day cleanse as well as a good friend and they both had great results and said they felt amazing!  It will all depend on the cost though. 

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there sister! I committed to losing 10 pounds between now and the end of March. Join me! I have been looking at this weight loss as one big monster hill to climb, and so I am trying to reframe things so that I am looking at smaller goals.

    I have been thinking about doing a shake/cleanse type thing too. They are expensive though. I've looked at Shakeology. Maybe there is something we could split the cost of.

    (And don't worry about your friend seeing this -- she seems like a positive gal and will probably be supportive!)
